的 first step to develop a proposal.



1. 的 first step to find funding for your research is to write down your draft research 目标和目的.  In order to find a funding “home” for your research you need to determine your 目标 和目标.  It is your research objectives that determine your funding source. 

2. 的n, search potential sources of funding – there are several sources to help you do this.



NMT has a subscription to this service, it locates funding opportunities from federal 非联邦来源.  Once faculty and staff have registered in 主 they receive 每周机会通知. You can also do keyword searches to find opportunities that match your specific area and track opportunities that you are interested in (主 will email you when the opportunity opens).   


联邦记者 http://federalreporter.国家卫生Research院.Gov /

Lists what has been funded by the federal 政府ernment. 你可以搜索以前的奖项 to determine where your proposal might fit into which 机构’s programs.


奖助金.政府 http://www.Grants.Gov 

Features nearly 900 available grant programs involving all 26 federal grant-making agencies that together award more than $350 billion annually in grant funds. 这个网站 simplifies the application process by allowing applicants to download, complete and submit applications for specific grant opportunities from any federal grant-making 机构. 

Top right on website has a link to “Manage Subscriptions” which will allow you to sign up for automatic notification of opportunities in your field

[Please be aware that NMT has a specific procedure for submitting proposals to 奖助金.政府. Because the website requires all proposals to come from NMT's Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR), you must contact the 研究办公室 (judith.mcshannon@freemusicnoteschords.com) 通过助学金提交建议书.政府.] This is for all proposals submitted through 奖助金.政府 including proposals to Departments of Education, Energy, Agriculture, NIH, etc.


Environmental Protection Agency: National Center for Environmental 研究  (NCER) 

NCER periodically sends out emails to subscribers announcing new 奖助金 and/or funding opportunities or highlighting new documents in specific subject areas. 


U.S. 教育部: 

EdInfo delivers 2-3 messages per week 来自美国.S. 教育部给你的 电子邮件帐户. Each message features one report or initiative (or other information) 来自美国.S. 教育部.


U.S. 能源部

的 DOE's IIPS website provides a listing of financial assistance opportunities; be aware, though, that it can be difficult to sort through. 

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Each week the NIH transmits via LISTSERV email the Table of Contents (TOC) information for that week's issue of the NIH Guide for 奖助金 and Contracts. 与每个相关联 TOC entry is the URL address for each Guide article/opportunity. 


国家科学基金会 (NSF): MyNSF

An alert service for NSF grant opportunities, publications and news that you customize 满足你自己的需要. 

[Please be aware that NMT has a specific procedure for submitting proposals to the NSF通过Fastlane/研究.政府. Because the website requires all proposals to come from NMT's Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR), you must contact the 研究 Office 向国家科学基金会提交提案. (judith.mcshannon@freemusicnoteschords.com)]


国家航空航天局 and 美国宇航局(NASA) 

搜索 for and view open, closed, past, and future NASA research announcements. 的 full text of the solicitation announcements can be viewed and downloaded.

[Please be aware that NMT has a specific procedure for submitting proposals to the NASA通过NSPIRES. Because the website requires all proposals to come from NMT's Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR), you must contact the 研究办公室 向国家科学基金会提交提案.  (judith.mcshannon@freemusicnoteschords.com)]

3. Review what has previously been awarded for the 机构 and program

You want to know who has already received funding for research similar to yours, which 机构 funded it, how much, what kind of work they are doing, etc. 这将给出 insight into what the 机构/directorate/division/program has already funded and let you know if your research project is a good fit with the 机构’s and the program’s 目标.  You can do this in the 联邦记者 or at NSF (for NSF relevant funding).


NSF will give you give information by NSF program (such as CAREER, MRI, NRT, etc.) 


联邦记者 lists federally funded research http://federalreporter.国家卫生Research院.Gov /


  1. NSF – 国家科学基金会
  2. NASA – 国家航空航天局 and Space Administration
  3. USDA - Agriculture (ARS, FS, NIFA)
  4. DoD - Defense (CNRM, CCCRP, CDMRP, DVBIC)
  5. EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
  6. HHS – Health and Human Services (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.)
  7. VA -退伍军人事务部



    1. 获奖项目名称
    2. 项目总结
    3. π的信息
    4. 受奖者组织
    5. 开始/结束日期
    6. 资助机构
    7. 授予数量
    8. Results, including publications and patents

4. 研究资助机构

Once you’ve determined which funding 机构 you are interested in pursuing, spend 花了些时间研究这个机构. Read the 机构’s strategic plan, 目标, benchmarks, 研究重点等. Make sure your research area supports their research focus 和优先级.


A (short) Review of (some) Federal Agencies 


国家航空航天局 & 美国宇航局(NASA)



U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 

U.S. 美国国防部(DoD)


National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
